Friday, July 24, 2015

My Favorite Old Family Photos

July is a fun month in the state of Utah. With the Independence Day at the beginning of the month and Pioneer Day on the 24th, it feels like we are sounded perpetually by fireworks and celebration. And it is so much fun! As a kid I always loved Pioneer Day because my neighborhood had a bicycle parade. All of the children got to decorate their bicycles and wear pioneer clothing which usually consisted of a bonnet and some sort of dress for the girls. I love that it is a holiday where we look back upon our ancestors and celebrate their lives and accomplishments. So in honor of Pioneer Day, here are some of my favorite photos from my family history. I love looking at old photos! 

My Great-Grandmother Alice with her first baby. Her head wrap looks like the turbands that are currently popular. 
 Alice preparing to go hunting.
 Photo shoot with her sister and brother-in-law.
 Polaroid "Selfie."
 Old fashioned photo booth with her sisters.

 The summer before my Great-Grandmother passed away, I spent some time at her house looking at old photos. When I saw a bunch of photos of her on a motorcycle, I remember being shocked and exclaiming/asking: "Grandma, you were a biker babe!??"
 A photo of my Great-great-grandmother Sarah (Left on the front row) with her sisters. She travelled to Utah as a child during the Pioneer era. 
 My Great-Grandmother Alice (second from the left) with a few of her sisters.
 My Great-Great Grandmother Sarah. 
 My Great-Great Grandfather William. 
 William on a bike. 
 My Great-Grandma Alice throwing a snowball. 
 Bicycle Gang in SLC.
 A class photo of my grandmother in elementary school. I look a lot like her.
My grandmother with her siblings. She's the little one.  
 My Great-Grandma's (on the other side of the family) kitchen. 
 My Great-Grandma Jeanette. I never met her because she died several years before I was born.
 One of my great aunts. I love her outfit. So classic. 
 My Great Uncle wearing his Korean War Uniform, Great-Grandpa wearing his WWI uniform, my great-grandma, my Grandpa trying on his brother's uniform, and another Great-Uncle wearing his WWII uniform. 
 My Great-Uncle posing in front of the family's first car. 
 My Great-Great Grandmother and her mother (My Great-Great-Great Grandmother.) 
 My Grandpa in front of his stock car, lucky number 28. 
 My Great-Great Grandmother before she was married.
 My Great-Great Grandmother Sarah as a little girl. 
 My Great-Grandparents on a trip to California. I LOVE old vacation photos! 
 My Great Grandmother and her second husband preparing for a night out. 
 Awesome old car!
 My Great-Great Grandmother in her home. 
 My Great Uncle Ron in his Navy Uniform. 
 The home of my Great-Great Grandparents.
 One of my Great-Aunts in a washtub. 
 My Great-Great Grandfather. 

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