Friday, March 27, 2015

Note to Self: On Haircuts and Confidence

This might sound silly or vain or both, but I am a firm believer that one of the best things that you can do to give yourself a boost of confidence is to get a haircut... I guess I should probably qualify that. Getting a good haircut boosts confidence. Because obviously a bad haircut will not be very mood boosting and may make you want to hide your hair under a bag or wear your hair in a pony-tail for the rest of your life. Really I write this post as a reminder to myself because I tend to delay getting a haircut for far too long (usually 1-2 times a year), and each time that I finally do get my hair cut I love it!

Here are a few reasons why I love getting my hair cut.

  1. The change refreshing and fun.
  2. Styling my hair is much easier.
  3. My hair feels healthier.
  4. My hair looks thicker.
  5. It gives me a great excuse to make more of an effort than my go to pony-tail.
  6. I find getting my hair cut to be much more relaxing than going to the dentist or any other office for that matter. You get to sit in the chair, chat and relax.
  7. I usually learn some new styling trick.
  8. It is a great time to get product recommendations.
  9. I enjoy breaking the stereo-type that  all women should have long hair.
  10. I always enjoy the first day or two before the first wash while my hair is still perfectly styled by the hairdresser. I consider those to be really great photo-op days. I got really lucky with the hospital I had my first daughter at, the stay came with a free haircut which was awesome to have just hours after giving birth. 

Hair is a funny thing, the popular saying is you always want what you don't have, especially when it comes to curly vs. straight hair. I have inconsistently wavy (I wish it would just pick one curly or straight), fine, very thin hair. I started getting my first few grey hairs in my early-twenties (prior to that I loved being a brunette, since then I've sometimes wished my hair were naturally blonde so that it would be easier to hide for a while.) I have never been able to grow my hair very long before it started getting stringy and frizzy. To some degree I have always felt self-conscious and or apathetic about my hair due to these circumstances. Sometimes  have desperately wished that the wigs people used to wear back in time periods like the days of Marie Antoinette would become popular again.

I've always felt most comfortable with my hair in a pony-tail, but that hasn't been great for my hair. Having two kids took a toll on my already thin hair, and in recent years I have tried to avoid doing much straightening, curling, or blow-drying to protect my remaining hair. That didn't leave a ton of options for styling. To make the situation even more difficult, I used Nioxin with some success for a while and so I have a lot of new growth that is stuck in an awkward stage-- not long enough to be tamed but long enough to curl up at odd angles and be noticeable.

So long story short, this is a reminder to myself to not go so long in-between cuts. Because as silly as it may sound, I really do feel that boost of confidence that comes with a new do. Find a hairdresser you trust, and get a cut that works with your coloring, face shape, hair texture, thickness, etc. Don't fight what looks good because you have preconceived ideas and wishes about your hair. (When I was a kid I used to wish I could grow my hair as long as the sky. Whatever that means. Now when I think about that dream I can't help but cringe). Lastly, the Pinterest App on SmartPhones is the best thing ever when it comes to getting a haircut! I was able to take my inspiration photos and discuss possibilities in terms of what would actually work for me. And I walked away from the appointment with one of my favorite haircuts ever!

Here is my Pinterest inspiration board. I ended up going with an A-Line cut (most similar to the first pin), and the color was an ombre with with a warmer dark color on top.

And here's a picture of my new hairdo. When I came home from my appointment my little girls were very expressive in how much they adored the new haircut. They couldn't stop running their fingers through it and asking to take pictures together. My older daughter kept getting up when she was supposed to be in bed to tell me how "darling" my hair was. Having a fan club like that is definitely fun.

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