Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Favorite Photography Resources

One of the fastest ways to take better pictures is by reading about photography and then of course practicing, again and again, and again. I find that using these resources while I practice helps me to better focus my efforts and in turn I end up with better results.

Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson
I really love all of the photography books by Bryan Peterson because they are easy to understand, especially if you are just starting out with the technical aspects of photography. My favorite is Understanding Exposure, but the others are also worth a read. There are certain topics that are repeated between books, but I look the repetition as a good review. 

Learning to See Creatively by Bryan Peterson
Beyond Portraiture by Bryan Peterson

Understanding Digital Photography by Bryan Peterson

He covers both composition and the human issues related to photography. I like that he covers how to find your photographic style. 

The Art of Photography: An Approach to Personal Expression by Bruce Barnbaum

The main focus of this book is what makes a great photo. This is an excellent book to read to learn more about composition, especially if you are pretty serious about photography. I think that this book is worth owning because I often find myself wanting to go back and read it again.

Bonus Resource: KenRockwell.com
This website is fabulous! I go there to read reviews on cameras and gear, to find out which stores I should buy camera gear from, and a very extensive list of articles on how to take better photos. He is very direct and at times blunt and I love that about his writing. He uses several clever acronyms to help in remembering the content. One of the things that I appreciate the most about his website is that he is honest in his opinion that better gear doesn't always mean better photos. Often times it is how you use the camera and you can get great pictures with any camera. I appreciate that attitude since I shoot with a Nikon D60 that we bought back in 2009. 

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